Power Supply Assembly 5126617-R
5126617-R | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | Exchange - Return Defective |
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- Reliable and durable
- High corrosion resistance
- Strong and ductile bracket, bulkhead and shield
Product Overview
- The ASTEC Analog Power Supply Assembly comes as a part of the Computed Tomography (CT) devices. The DC power is supplied to the device by means of the digital power supply assembly which is analogous. It consists of a mounting bracket, DC bulkhead, shield, panel mount metal gasket, cable clamp, digital PS cable, screws and washers with a non-corrosive adhesive. The DC output wires are positioned such that power supply on-board pots are not obstructed. All the items are packed in plastic bags and taped to the top.