Digital Power Supply Assembly 5126615-H
5126615-H | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | Exchange - Return Defective |
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- Overload protection on all outputs
- Voltage adjustment on all outputs
- Power factor correction
- Short circuit protected
Product Overview
This is a specially designed low voltage power supply module which converts AC input voltage into DC voltage. The assemby consists of power supply module, mounting bracket, DC bulkhead, shield, panel mount metal gasket, cable clamp, cable, screws and washers with a non-corrosive adhesive. It is a configurable AC-DC power supply with outputs of a +5 VDC, +12 VDC and +24 VDC. The power supply accepts universal input of 85-264 VAC or 120-350 VDC. This triple output DC power supply is packaged in a metallic case and maintains very low earth leakage currents, making them suitable for modern medical applications. The power supply is featured with remote sense and remote voltage adjustment on all outputs. The power supply is fully protected against reverse polarity, short circuit, over load and over voltage. This power supply is compatible to be used with GE's Lightspeed Series, Brightspeed Seires and Discovery ST Computed Tomography (CT) Systems. 5126615-H