H4 Power Interface Board
2320973 | |
6750192 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
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- No components containing hazardous materials used in product
- Provide efficient power to HX, and oil pump
- Ensure long term reliability
- Offers highly efficient performance
Product Overview
The H4 Power Interface Board is mounted to the heat exchanger on the rotating gantry within the H-Power CT System. The purpose of this interface board is to provide an interface between the various components on the H4 system. The components tied to this board are the slip ring, heat exchanger power supply, oil pump, smart ID module, over temperature/pressure limit switches, and an interface for JEDI inverter communication signals. The interface board provides circuitry and an interface to a harness that is used to control the fan speed of the heat exchanger. It also provides a central interface for low voltage components of the Hercules tube and heat exchanger. An adhesive insulating pad is applied to the back of the H4 PWR I/F board to protect service personnel from accidentally contacting live component leads. The interface board provides an efficient performance in varying medical environments.
Substitute Parts :
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent part | Part Details |
6750192 | H-Power Power IF PWA |